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Friends of Malawi Association

Serving all who love and support Malawi


July 2024: Grants Programme update

Category: News

FOMA have revised the schedule for the grants programme.

There will now be one annual Open Call during August – proposals will be reviewed by the Grants Committee during September and successful projects awarded funding in October. All applications must be submitted on the official FOMA application form by 31st August.

FOMA will also continue to support CorpsAfrica volunteers working in Malawi inviting them to a Closed Round during December with successful applicants awarded grants in February to support their community projects.

For further information please visit the Grants page here

April 2024: CorpsAfrica projects update

Category: News

The FOMA Trustees have approved grants for 8 new CorpsAfrica projects. Volunteers working alongside their placement communities will soon be able to get the projects up and running – they include rebuilding two Under 5 healthcare clinics, installing hand operated water pumps, renovating several classrooms, reconstructing a bridge, building a toilet block and a new kitchen for a community based child care centre. Good luck to all those involved – we look forward to hearing updates soon.

Keep an eye on our project pages for reports and photos.

January 2024: FOMA grants – new projects underway

Category: News

FOMA Trustees have recently awarded grants to 7 organisations in Malawi to support community projects. Over the coming months communities in Blantyre, Zomba and Machinga will benefit from improved water supplies through renovated boreholes and water systems. School students in Mulanje will soon be learning in a new classroom and new toilets will be constructed in Kasungu. In Karonga expectant mothers will find new beds and mattresses in the maternity wing of a rural health clinic and in Blantyre disabled adults and children attending a physiotherapy clinic will be supported with mobility equipment. Keep an eye on the FOMA Project pages for further updates and photos soon.

December 2023 – FOMA Christmas market

Category: News

In early December several FOMA members raised funds by selling homemade Christmas decorations and gifts at a local market. All money raised will go towards supporting the community projects in Malawi.

For more information on FOMA gifts please see our shop page.

November 2023

Category: News

Thank you to all organisations that submitted an application for a FOMA community grant in the recent ‘open round’. All projects are being considered and decisions will be made, and communicated by email, in mid-January 2023. Zikomo!

May 2023 – FOMA visits Joyful Motherhood project

Category: News

Two FOMA members, Jamie and Sophie, visited Malawi in May 2023 and were able to see one of the supported projects – Joyful Motherhood (Chimwemwe mu’bereki). Accompanied by Program Manager, Glory and Nurse, Verina, Sophie went on one of the site visits and heard how the organisation is the only one integrated with public health services that provide care to family/friends taking care of orphaned children in Malawi. They see approximately 250 children a month and, although the motorbike purchased with the FOMA grant was in for repairs, it has made accessing difficult to reach areas much easier.