Cove Collective
Project summary
A grant of £1000 to support the construction of a kitchen at Thukutu primary school, Chilumba, Karonga District.
Zinyengo Kawonga, Manager at Cove Collective explained that this project will involve the construction of the entire kitchen, from digging the foundations, building the walls, roofing, and finishing the interiors. The community have been actively involved in the planning and preparation, mobilising labour, river sand, water, burnt bricks, and transport. The FOMA grant will buy roofing materials (iron sheets, binding wire, nails, and planks) and cement. After the kitchen is constructed, at least 430 learners will be able to get their nutritious meals every school day, helping to reduce child hunger at school, improve children’s health, reduce school dropouts, increase school attendance and academic performance.
This project is underway right now – we recently received these pictures of progress so far.